Learning Resource Roadmap - (Front-End Development)
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✨This repo serves as a resource for developers to leverage on their journey into Front End Development.✨
This is a visual roadmap for beginners venturing into the World of Software Development. In order not to feel overwhelmed by how much you need to know to be a Front End Developer. This roadmap serves as a guide through out your journey. You can follow through this guide and be assured you are on the right path.
Resource types: 🎮 - Interactive 📚 - Book 📹 - Video 📝 - Article 🎤 - Podcast 👩💻 - Community 💰 - Paid Resource 🎁- Free Resource 🏆 - Exercises
Codecademy 🎮 🎁
HTML Cheatsheet 📝 🎁
Udacity 📹 🎁
MDN HTML Guide 📝 🎁
Marksheet.io 📝 🎁
HTML.com 📝 🎁
MDN CSS Guide 📝 🎁
CSS Reference 📝 🎁
Learn Layout 📝 🎁
CSS Diner 🎮 🎁
CSS-in-Depth 📹 💰
CSS Tutorial 📝 🎁
JavaScript.info 📝 🎁
Codecademy 🎮 🎁
Array Explorer 🎮 🎁
Object Explorer 🎮 🎁
Git basics 📹 🎁
Git Cheatsheet 📝 🎁
Git Interactive 🎮 🎁
Pro Git Book 📚 🎁
Git Branching 🎮 🏆
FlexBox Froggy 🎮 🎁
Grid Garden 🎮 🎁
Exploring ES6 📚 🎁
React Resources 📝 🎁
React Bootcamp 📹 🎁
React Quickly 📚 🎁
React Podcast 🎤 🎁
Vue Cookbook 📝 🎁
Vue Mastery 📹 💰
Awesome Vue 📝 🎁
Vue Developers Blog & Courses 📝 📹 🎁 💰
Fullstack Vue 📹 💰
Angular Tutorial 📹 💰
Learn UX 📝 🎁
Web fonts 📝 🎁
Your First PWA 📝 🎁
Perf.rocks 📝 🎁
WCAG Docs📝 🎁